Query Temporal Data (pp 176-192)

Temporal Tables (see bottom of page)
Options to Retrieve SQL Server Temporal Table and History Data
MS SQL TIPS (Temporal Tables)
1 AS OF @dt >= validFrom AND @dt < validTo
  SELECT TOP (1000) *
  FROM [70-176].[hr].[employees]
  for SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2019-08-20 00:10:13.0888597'    -- validTo 2nd amend NULL; includes validFROM end point  NOT END
    --  >= ... < but not equal to - end point
(current table plus history)
SELECT TOP (1000) *
  FROM [70-176].[hr].[employees]
  for system_time all  -- all CURRENT and HISTORY
3 FROM TO validFrom < @end AND validTo > @start
SELECT TOP (1000) *
  FROM [70-176].[hr].[employees]
  for system_time FROM '2019-08-20 00:10:08.0310436' TO '2019-08-20 00:10:08.0310436'  -- excludes the upper boundary of the end time;  MEANS BETWEEN the numbers NOT INCLUDING the end points
4 BETWEEN AND validFrom <= @end AND validTo > @start
SELECT TOP (1000) *
  FROM [70-176].[hr].[employees]
  for system_time BETWEEN '2019-08-20 00:10:13.0888596' AND  '2019-08-20 00:10:13.0888596' -- includes the upper boundary of the end time; MEANS BETWEEN the numbers NOT INCLUDING the end points
5 CONTAINED IN (start_datetime, end_datetime) validFrom >= @start AND validTo <= @end
SELECT TOP (1000) *
  FROM [70-176].[hr].[employees]
  for system_time CONTAINED IN ('2019-08-20' ,  '2019-08-21') 
  --  This is because CONTAINED IN only returns data from the history table.